Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies & Statistics
My research theme is "Finance and Society" and so I have an interest in doing research that is of policy and social relevance. My papers span an eclectic mix of topics which include banking, political economy & the role of government, household finance, gender & the economy, media and labour & migration
Phong Ngo is a Senior Lecturer of Finance. He is a member of the American Economic Association, American Finance Association, Vietnamese Finance Association, European Finance Association, Financial Research Network, and Economic Society of Australia. Phong’s research interests are banking, political economy & the role of government, household finance, gender & the economy, media and labour & migration. His current research focuses on the impact of financial media on household financial decisions (e.g., how financial media impacts mortgage refinancing decisions), the financial causes of domestic violence (e.g., financial literacy and domestic violence), as well as questions related to the political economy of finance (e.g. how political polarization influences the functioning of a corporate board). Phong’s research work has been appeared in leading academic journals including Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, and Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.