Research School of Economics
- Research Fields: Microeconomic Theory, Applied Microeconomics, Mathematical Economics, Welfare Economics.
- Current Research Focus: Decision Theory and its Applications, Game Theory and its Applications, Price Theory and its Applications, Welfare Economics and its Applications.
B.Ec. (ANU), B.Sc. (ANU), B.Sc.Hons. (First Class) (La Trobe), Grad.Dip.Ec. (with Distinction) (ANU), M.Ec. (ANU), M.Sc. (Texas), Ph.D. (Texas).
Dr Damien Eldridge is a Senior Lecturer in Economics. Dr Eldridge specialises in microeconomic theory, applied microeconomics, mathematical economics, and welfare economics. His current research and teaching interests include decision theory and its applications, game theory and its applications, price theory and its applications, and welfare economics and its applications. Damien has held academic positions as an economist at the Australian National University and La Trobe University. He has also been employed as an economist by a number of non-academic organisations, including various Australian Public Service agencies. Damien has authored or co-authored a number of articles that have been published in high quality journals. These journals include The Economic Record, Applied Economics, and Economic Inquiry. Dr Eldridge is currently the ANU Research School of Economics Postgraduate Coursework Programs Coordinator. He is also a member of the ANU Research School of Economics Teaching and Learning Committee.