Research School of Management
Government project management; Public-private partnerships; Value co-creation in projects; Employee well-being and performance management in project based environment (construction industry).
Ying-Yi Chih is a Professor in Project Management, and the Associate Dean (Students and Industry Experience) of the College of Business and Economics. Ying-Yi researches in three main areas all related to project management and performance. First, she explores the project goal setting process and its impact on project decision-making, the co-creation of project value and the management of public-private partnership projects. Ying-Yi also researches issues related to employee well-being and performance management in project-based environments such as the construction industry from a social-psychological perspective. Lastly, she explores effective ways to improve project management students’ university learning experience, their transition into industry, and their career development/adaptability. Ying-Yi’s research has been published in journals including International Journal of Project Management, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Journal of Management in Engineering, California Management Review, and Journal of Vocational Behavior. Her research has been funded by government and industry, contributing to advancing evidence-based project management practices. Ying-Yi serves as an Associate Editor for Journal of Management in Engineering and an Editorial Board member of Journal of Vocational Behavior.
Research publications
1. C. N. Dang, Y. Y. Chih, L. Le-Hoai, L. D. Nguyen (accepted on 20/05/2020). “Project-based A/E/C Firms’ Knowledge Management Capability and Market Development Performance: Does Firm Size Matter?.”Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.
2. A. C. G. Ocampo, M. L. Reyes, Y. Chen, S. L. D. Restubog, Y. Y. Chih, L. C Garcia and P. Guan (accepted on 14/04/2020). “The Role of Internship Participation and Conscientiousness in Developing Career adaptability: A Five-wave Growth Mixture Model Analysis”, Journal of Vocational Behavior.
3. Y. Y. Chih, O. Zwikael and S. L. D. Restubog (2019). “Enhancing Value Co-Creation in Professional Service Projects: The Roles of Professionals, Clients and their Effective Interactions” International Journal of Project Management, 37(5), 599-615.
4. A. Nguyen, A. Mollik and Y. Y. Chih (2018). “Managing critical risks affecting the financial viability of public-private-partnership projects: A case study of toll road projects in Vietnam.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 144(2), https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001571
5. Y. Y. Chih, K. Kiazad, D. Cheng, E. Emamirad and S. L. D. Restubog (2018). “The interactive effects of supportive leadership and top management team's charismatic vision in predicting worker retention in the Philippines.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 144(10), https://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/%28ASCE%29CO.1943-7862.0001553
6. S. Choi, I. Cho, S. H. Han, Y. H. Kwak, and Y. Y. Chih (2018). “Dynamic Capabilities of Project-Based Organization in Global Operations.” Journal of Management in Engineering, 34(5), https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000621. (2019 Journal of Management in Engineering Best Paper Award)
7. O. Zwikael, Y. Y. Chih and J. R. Meredith (2018). “Project benefit management: Setting effect target benefits.” International Journal of Project Management, 36(4), 650-658.
8. Y. Y. Chih, K. Kiazad, D. Cheng, J. A. L. Lajom and S. L. D. Restubog (2017). “Feeling positive and productive: The role of supervisor-worker relationship in predicting construction workers’ performance in the Philippines.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 143(8), https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001346#sthash.PWU2uJh4.dpuf
9. Hung D. Nguyen; Long D. Nguyen, Y. Y. Chih and Long Le-Hoai (2017). “Influence of Participants’ Characteristics on Sustainable Building Practices in Emerging Economies: An Empirical Case Study.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 143(8),https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001321#sthash.VPvu540d.dpuf
10. Y. Y. Chih, K. Kiazad, M. Li, A. Capezio, S. L. Restubog and L. Zhou (2017). “Broken promises: Implications for Chinese construction workers’ job insecurity and performance.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 143(4), http://ascelibrary.org/doi/10.1061/%28ASCE%29CO.1943-7862.0001244
11. Y. Y. Chih, K. Kiazad, D. Cheng, A. Capezio and S. L. D. Restubog (2017). “Does organizational justice matter? Implications for construction workers’ organizational commitment.” Journal of Management in Engineering, 33(2), http://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/%28ASCE%29ME.1943-5479.0000490
12. Long D. Nguyen, Y. Y. Chih, and Borja García de Soto (2017). “Knowledge Areas Delivered in Project Management Programs: An Exploratory Study,” Journal of Management in Engineering, 33(1), http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000473
13. Y. Y. Chih, K. Kiazad, L. Zhou, A. Capezio, M. Li and S. L. Restubog (2016). “Investigating Employee Turnover in the Construction Industry: A Psychological Contract Perspective,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 142(6), https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001101.
14. Y. Y. Chih, and O. Zwikael (2015). “Project Benefit Management: A Conceptual Framework of Target Benefit Formulation.” International Journal of Project Management, 33(2), 352-362.
15. O. Zwikael, A. Shtub, and Y. Y. Chih. (2015). “Simulation-Based Training for Project Management Education: Mind the Gap, as One Size Does Not Fit All.” Journal of Management in Engineering, 31(2), 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000238.
16. A. Chang, Y. Y. Chih, E. Chew and A. Pisarski (2013). “Reconceptualising Mega Project Success in Australian Defence: Recognising the Importance of Value Co-creation.” International Journal of Project Management, 31(8), 1139-1153
17. C. W. Ibbs and Y. Y. Chih (2011). “Alternative Methods for Choosing an Appropriate Project Delivery System (PDS).” Facilities, 29(13/14), 527-541.
18. Y. Y. Chih and C. W. Ibbs (2010). “Choosing a Project Delivery System in a Multi-project Environment.” Construction Law International, 5(1), 7-10.
19. Y. H. Kwak, Y. Y. Chih and C. W. Ibbs (2009). “Towards a Comprehensive Understanding of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) for Infrastructure Development.” California Management Review, 51(2), 51-78. Selected as Fall 2009’s Harvard Business Publishing Teaching Materials.
Referred Conference Proceedings
20. C. M. Deen, J. Y. Kim, C. Kiewitz, S. L. D. Restubog, Y. Y. Chih and R. L. Tang. “My Way or the Highway: Clarifying the Construct of Micromanagement in Leader-Follower Work Relationships.” AOM Symposium: New Ways of Understanding the Dark Side of Leadership, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 7-11 August 2020, Vancouver, BC, Canada (Cancelled due to COVID-19).
21. Y. S. Tsay, Y. Y. Chih and C. H. Lin, “Critical Adoption Factors of Green Building Simulation Tools in Architectural Design Processes,” Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE), 6-7 August, 2019, Tokyo, Japan.
22. C. H. Lin, Y. Y. Chih and Y. S. Tsay. “Barriers, Challenges, and Driving Forces in Adopting Green Building Simulation in Design Practices: Cases from Taiwanese Architectural Firms.” Central Europe Towards Sustainable Building (CESB), 2-4 July, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.
23. H. D. Nguyen, L. D. Nguyen, Y. Y. Chih and L. Le-Hoai. “Contribution of Knowledge in Sustainable Building Design in Emerging Markets – A Case of Vietnam.” World Sustainable Built Environment (WSBE) Conference, 5-7 June, 2017, Hong Kong, China.
24. Y. Y. Chih and O. Zwikael. “Value Co-Creation in Management Consulting: A Theoretical Framework in Professional Service Context.” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 7-11 August, 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (“Thomson South-Western Award for Outstanding Research-Based Paper on Management Consulting” in Management Consulting Division).
25. Y. Y. Chih, L. D. Nguyen and B. G. de Soto. “Knowledge Areas Taught in Project Management Programs in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States,” The 12th bi-annual International Research Network on Organizing by Projects (IRNOP) Conference, 22-24 June, 2015, London UK.
26. Y. Y. Chih and O. Zwikael. “Value Co-Creation Theoretical Framework in Project-Based Organizations: The Case of Professional Service Firms.” The 12th bi-annual International Research Network on Organizing by Projects (IRNOP) Conference, 22-24 June, 2015, London UK.
27. O. Zwikael and Y. Y. Chih. “Evaluating the Quality of Proposed Projects' Target Benefits.” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 7-11 August, 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
28. O. Zwikael and Y. Y. Chih. “Project Benefit Management: Formulation and Appraisal of Target Benefits,” Project Management Institute (PMI) Research & Education Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, 27–29 July, 2014.
29. Y. Y. Chih and O. Zwikael. “Benefit Realisation from Public Projects: A Theoretical Framework for the Quality of Target Benefits.” The 27th Annual British Academy of Management Conference (BAM), 10-12 September, 2013, in Liverpool, UK. (“Best Full Paper Award” in Public Management and Governance Division).
30. A. Chang, Y. Y. Chih and E. Chew. “Defining Mega Project Success in Australian Defence: A Relation-based Framework for Value Co-creation with Project Stakeholders.” The 27th Annual British Academy of Management Conference (BAM), 10-12 September, 2013, Liverpool, UK.
31. O. Zwikael and Y. Y. Chih. “Project Benefit Management: Setting Target Benefits.” The 13th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), 26-29 June 26-29, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
32. O. Zwikael, A. Shtub and Y. Y. Chih. “The Moderating Effect of Individual Differences on the Effectiveness of Simulation-Based Training.” Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, 3-7 August, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
33. O. Zwikael, A. Shtub and Y. Y. Chih. “Simulation-Based Training in Project Management Education – The Moderating Effect Of Individual Differences On Learning Outcomes Realization.” 2012 PMI Research and Education Conference, 15-18 July, Limerick, Ireland.
34. Y. Y. Chih, Y. K. Chen and F. S. Lee. “Governmental Roles in Unsolicited Public Private Partnership (PPP) Mechanism: an Examination of Taiwan’s Framework.” The 7th International Critical Management Studies (CMS) Conference, 11-13 July, 2011, Naples, Italy.
35. O. Zwikael, J. Smyrk and Y. Y. Chih. “A Critical Analysis of Management Methodologies: The Case of Project Management.” The 7th International Critical Management Studies Conference, 11-13 July, 2011, Naples, Italy.
36. C. W. Ibbs and Y. Y. Chih. “A Qualitative Comparison of Alternative Project Delivery Systems (PDSs) for Transportation Projects,” The 1st International Conference on Transportation Construction Management, 9-11 September, 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA.
37. C. W. Ibbs, Y. Y. Chih, and J. B. Miller. “A Case study of Virginia’s Framework to Evaluate Unsolicited Public/Private Partnership Proposals: the Public-Private Transportation Act (PPTA),” The 11th World Conference on Transport Research Society, 24-28 June, 2007, Berkeley, California, USA
38. Y. Y. Chih and Y. K. Chen. “A Case Study of Taiwan’s Framework to Evaluate Unsolicited Public/Private Partnership Proposals.” The 5th International Conference on Construction Project Management / 2nd International Conference on Construction Engineering and Management (ICCPM/ICCEM), 1-2 March, 2007, Singapore.
Other Publications
39. Zwikael, O., and Y. Y. Chih (2015). Enhancing Project Funding Decision Quality. In: M. Gen et al. (eds.) Industrial Engineering, Management Science and Applications 2015, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 363-374. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
40. Y. Y. Chih (2010). A Decision Support Framework for Choosing a Project Delivery System (PDS) in a Multi-project Environment. Doctoral Dissertation. Engineering and Project Management, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, USA.
41. Y. Y. Chih (2010). A Study on the Implementation Mechanism of Unsolicited Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) Infrastructure Projects. Research Grant Final Report submitted to the Ministry of Education in Taiwan.
42. Y. Y. Chih and C. W. Ibbs (2009). “Choosing a Project Delivery System (PDS) in a Multi-project Environment.” Barchan Foundation. http://www.barchanfoundation.com/ (Editor: Dr. John B. Miller)
Y. Y. Chih (2000).A Feasibility Study of Public PrivatePartnerships in Cultural Infrastructure Renovation Projects. Master Dissertation (in Chinese). Department of Architecture. National Cheng Kung University. Taiwan.
Research grants and awards
2015 “Thomson South-Western Award for Outstanding Research-Based Paper on Management Consulting” in Management Consulting Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
2013 “Best Full Paper Award” in Public Management and Governance Division, 27th Annual British Academy of Management Conference.
Teaching Awards
2015 Nominee for the Australian Office for Learning & Teaching Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning
2015 ANU Vice-Chancellor's Citations for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning
2014 ANU College of Business and Economics (CBE) Award for Teaching Excellence
2014 ANU Commendation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning (Program)
2013 CBE Award for Excellence in Programs that Enhance Teaching and Learning (Program) 2012 Tsinghua Education and Training Award for Program Excellence (Program)
Professional Services Awards
2015 Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Management in Engineering
Research Grants
- Australian Government Innovation Connections Grant, co-funded by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science in Australia and contentgroup 20/11/2017~20/10/2018
- Consultancy Research Service, funded by contentgroup 28/02/2017~31/07/2017
- Australian Government Innovation Connections Grant, co-funded by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science in Australia and contentgroup 07/11/2016~07/09/2017
- Hilp Fellowship, University of California at Berkeley (UCB), USA Summer 2009~Fall 2009
- PMI’s Steven White Fellowship, University of California at Berkeley (UCB), USA Fall 2007
- Taiwanese Government Scholarship, the Ministry of Education, Taiwan 2005~2006
- University Block Grant Fellowship, University of California at Berkeley (UCB), USA Fall 2004~Spring 2005
- Research Grant, the National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan 2001~2002
- Scholarship of Liu, Lou, Liu Culture Foundation, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan 1999
Research engagement and outreach
Associate Editor
- Journal of Management in Engineering
Guest Editor
- Special Collection on Diversity and Inclusion in the Engineering-Construction industry, Journal of Management in Engineering
- Special Collection on Leadership and E Leadership and Employee Well-being in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Industry, Journal of Management in Engineering
Editorial Board Member
- Journal of Vocational Behavior
ANU leadership roles
- Chair of College Higher Degree Research Committee, CBE
01/2019~current - Deputy Chair of College Research Committee, CBE
01/2019~current - Member of University Research Committee, ANU
01/2019~current - Member of University Higher Degree Research Committee, ANU
01/2019~current - Member of University HDR Student Administrative Support Steering Committee, ANU
01/2019~current - Member of University Appeal Committee, ANU
06/2019~current - Member of University HDR Industry Engagement Working Party, ANU
01/2019~current - Co-Director of Work Effectiveness & Leadership Lab (WELL), ANU
Ying-Yi is also a highly committed educator. Her sustained commitment to teaching excellence was officially recognised by mutliple awards, including the 2015 ANU Vice-Chancellor’s Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning and 2014 ANU College of Business and Economics Award for Teaching Excellence. Her involvement in the delivery of two courses at Tsinghua University in China, part of the ANU-TSU joint Master of Management program, has led to multiple awards 2013 ANU Commendation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning, 2013 CBE Award for Excellence in Programs that Enhance Teaching and Learning, and 2012 Tsinghua Education and Training Award for Program Excellence.
Current Teaching:
MGMT7170 Tools and Techniques for Business Project Management [Part of the Joint Master of Management program with Tsinghua University]
Previous Teaching:
Part of the Joint Master of Management program with Tsinghua University
MGMT7170 Tools and Techniques for Business Project Management
MGMT7169 Management Framework for Business Projects
ANU Courses
ANU edX Evidence-Based Project Management
MGMT3002 Techniques for Business Project Management
MGMT7020 Technology and Project Management
MGMT7170 Tools and Techniques for Business Project management
MGMT8005 Project Risk and Issues Management