Associate Professor Thomas Kalliath

Thomas Kalliath


Research School of Management

Honorary Associate Professor
Research areas
  • Work-life balance
  • Work-family conflict and enrichment
  • Work engagement

Thomas Kalliath, Ph.D (Washington University in St. Louis, USA) is Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour in the Research School of Management.  He has also served in the Department of Psychology at the Waikato University, New Zealand (1996-2004). His practitioner experiences include senior administrative and organisation development consultant positions in health care organisations in India and USA.  

Thomas has published his research in a number of leading professional journals, including Journal of Organisational Behaviour, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology, Work and Stress, Stress and Work, Journal of Management Education, Education and Psychological Measurement, Managerial Psychology, Organisation Development Journal, and South Asian Journal of Management.  He is the recipient of several excellence awards in teaching and research, including the University of Waikato Vice-Chancellor's Medal for Excellence in Teaching-2003.

Research publications

Recent Publications


O'Driscoll, M., Taylor, P., & Kalliath, T. (2003). Organisation Psychology in Australia and New Zealand, Oxford University Press.

Brough, P., O'Driscoll, M., Kalliath, T., Cooper, C., & Poelmans, S. (2009). Workplace  psychological health: Current research and practice. Edward Elgar, U.K.

Kalliath, T., Brough, P., O'Driscoll, M., Manimala, M., & Siu, O. L. (2010). Organisational Behaviour: An Organisational Psychology Perspective (Asia Pacific Edition). McGraw-Hill, Australia.

Kalliath, T. (2011). Value congruence: A test of its effects on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and instrumentality. VMD Verlag, Saarbrucken, Germany.

Kalliath, T., Brough, P., O'Driscoll, M., Manimala, M., Siu, O. L., & Parker, S. (due March 2004). Organisational Behaviour: An Organisational Psychology Perspective (2nd Edition). McGraw-Hill, Australia.

Book Chapters

Kalliath, P. & Kalliath, T.(2010). Work-Family Conflict and Coping: A Qualitative investigation of Couples from Four Occupational Groups in India. In Menon, S.T. (Ed), Competing values in an uncertain environment: managing the paradox, pp. 550-558. Louisiana: ISSWOV, Department of Management and Marketing, Louisiana State University. (ISBN 978-0-9817997-1-1).

Zuber-Skerrit, O., & Kalliath, T. (2009). Developing a network and values. In Zuber-Skeritt, O. (Ed). Action learning and action research. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. 

Zuber-Skerrit, O., & Kalliath, T. (2009). Management education and organisation development. In Zuber-Skeritt, O. (Ed). Action learning and action research. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

O'Driscoll, M., Brough, P., & Kalliath, T. (2009). Stress and coping. The Oxford handbook of organisational well-being (Eds Cartwright, S. & Cooper, C.). Oxford University Press.

Guest Editor, Special Issues of Journals

Kalliath, T., & Kalliath, P. (in press). Changing work environments and employee wellbeing. Special Issue of International Journal of Manpower, 8, Volume 33 (in press).

Brough, P., & Kalliath, T. (2009). Achieving Work-family balance: Theoretical and empirical advancements, Special Issue of Journal of Organisational Behaviour, Vol 30.

Kalliath, T., & Brough, P. (2008). Achieving work-family balance. Journal of Management and Organisation, Vol 14/3.

Kalliath, T. & Laiken, M. (2006). Special Issue on Use of Teams in Management Education. Journal of Management Education, Volume 30, Number 6.

Kalliath, T. Special Issue (2002) of Organisation Development Journal: Innovations in Teaching Organisation Development and Change: Pedagogical Constructs and Tools for Training Reflective Practitioners. Volume 20, Issue 3.

Refereed Journal Articles

Kalliath, T. & Kalliath, P. (In press) Changing work environments and employee wellbeing: An introduction to the special issue (Guest Editorial). International Journal of Manpower.

Kossek, E., Kalliath, T., & Kalliath, T. (In Press) Achieving employee wellbeing in a changing work environment: An expert commentary on current scholarship. International Journal of Manpower.

Kalliath, P., Kalliath, T., & Singh, V. (2011). When work intersects family: A qualitative exploration of the experiences of dual earner couples in India. South Asian Journal of Management, 18, 1, 37-59.

Siu, O. L., Lu, J. F., Brough, P., Lu, C., Bakker, A. B.,Kalliath, T.,O'Driscoll, M., Phillips, D. R., Chen, W., Yat-sen, S., Lo, D., Sit, C. Shi, K. (2010) Role resources and work-family enrichment: The role of work engagement. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 77, 470-480. 

Singh, V., Kalliath, T., & Kalliath, P. (2010). Dual-Income Marital Dyads and Mutually Discrepant Economic versus Personal Information: An Exploratory Investigation. Psychological Studies (DOI 10.1007/s12646-010-0029-y).

Naude S., O'Driscoll, M., & Kalliath, T. (2009). Predicting employees' retirement intentions in New Zealand: The contribution of personal, job-related and non-work factors. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 38, 2, 12-25.

Brough, P., & Kalliath, T. (2009). Work-family balance: Theoretical and empirical advancements. Special Issue on Work-life Balance (Editorial). Journal of Organisational Behaviour, 30, 581-585.

Research engagement and outreach

Dr. Kalliath serves currently on the Editorial Board of South Asian Management Journal, the Executive Committee of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values, and as an institutional member of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM). He is a member of severalprofessional bodies including the Academy of Management, International Association of Applied Psychology, and a founding member of Work-Family Researchers Network.


  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Organisation Development and Change   
  • Organisational Psychology

In Semester 2, 2012, I am Course Coordinator for:

  • MGMT2007 Organisational Behaviour