Associate Professor Alessandra Capezio

Alessandra Capezio


Research School of Management

Associate Professor
Phone number
+61 2 612 51754
Room 1073, LF Crisp Bld (26)
Research areas

Evidence-based decision-making & practice in organisations (in the domains of people management, leadership, change, and boards); critical systems thinking and complexity leadership; boards and governance; conduct risk & unethical behaviour; career development.


Alessandra Capezio is an Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour in the ANU Research School of Management, Fellow of the Centre for Evidence Management, and the ANU MBA Director.

Alessandra's overarching purpose  as an organisational scholar-practitioner and educator, is to help people, leaders, and boards, to make more evidence-informed decisions in complex work environments, ultimately for the betterment of society.

Alessandra is committed to questioning and 'breaking through' silos, fault-lines, entrenched ways of thinking, relating and doing, and logics and orthodoxies that get in the way of effective organisational decision-making. 

Alessandra’s teaching, research, and practice focus on:

1) Tools and techniques to enable transdisciplinary problem-solvingmeta-cognitive skills, cognitive agility, critical & analytical thinking to improve decisions and judgement at the individual, top-management team, and board levels;

2) Barriers and enablers of responsible and evidence-based organisational decision-making and practice.

3) Decisions, behaviours, practices, and processes of boards in both public and private sectors. 

Alessandra's research has been published in a number of top-tier journals, including from the Financial Times Top 50 list, including Journal of ManagementHuman RelationsJournal of Management Studies, Journal of Organizational BehaviorJournal of Business Ethics, and Journal of Career Assessment.

View ORCID profile

Twitter: @AlessCapezio


Research grants and awards

Alessandra, along with collaborators, has secured a number of external competitive grants: 

ARC Discovery 2017-present 

Kiazad, Restubog, Capezio, Hom, Holtom, & Lee (2017-2019).  Strengthening Australia's Science Workforce: A Job Embeddedness Perspective. Australian Research Council Discovery Scheme.

This project aims to study why science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) employees stay or leave jobs. There is a strong economic imperative to retain STEM employees. The Australian Government invests heavily in building the supply of STEM graduates, but STEM workers often leave STEM occupations. This project will use a job embeddedness perspective to clarify why these employees stay or leave. Expected project outputs include an evidence-based toolkit, online masterclass and an online community of practice to contribute to strengthening Australia’s science and innovation capacity.

Category 3 Grant 2022-present

This project aims to conduct 3 evidence syntheses with the ultimate aim of developing a 'best evidence' capability framework for corporate boards and corporate chair leadership drawing on multiple sources of evidence. 

Category 2 Grant 2023-present

This programs aim to conduct evidence syntheses to examine the intersections among Artificial Intelligence (Ai), Trust, and Service Delivery. 

Category 2 Grant 2018-2019

This project examined evidence-based drivers of cultural change in a public health system. 


Undergraduate Leadership and MBA and Executive Education focusing on the following:

Evidence-based Management and leadership;

Organisational decision-making,

Evidence-based teaming and psychological safety. 

Boards and Governance

Critical Thinking in organisations